Monday, February 3, 2014

Response to: Aesop, Aristotle, and Animals: The Role of Fables in Human Life

In this article by Edward Clayton, he starts off discussing how Aesop’s and early Greek fables were perceived in similar ways.  According to Clayton, the general messages in both fables were “…those who lack power must obey and try not to anger those who have it if they are to avoid bringing about their own destruction.”  At the same token, Clayton argues that this should not be the only way the fables should be interpreted. He states that this particular interpretation would refer to humans as being exactly like animals; he instead argues that while there are similar qualities between humans and animals there is one major difference. Humans have the ability to reason and it is with that reason that more ideals of “…democracy, equality and justice rather than hierarchy, power and exploitation” should be learned from these fables.

 On another note, the connections that the philosopher Aristotle made between humans and animals is what interested me the most in the article. His first idea about “tame” and “wild” really stood out to me. He discussed how humans are the only form of animal that have the ability to tame another animal. You can take this a step further. For instance, Aristotle refers to children as “wild” animals that are taught to learn over the years and grow with society. It’s just an idea! I would have never made an attempt to connect this to children It surprises me how Aristotle was able to formulate such a complex idea.

 I have been familiar with Aesop’s fables in the past. Looking back, I have always seen his fables as teaching a lesson but never looked at them past a device used to teach or give morals. After reading this article by Edward Clayton, I have decided to look at these fables in a new light. The article has opened my mind so that I can now see these fables on a grand scale, with worldly application which transcends time.